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Harri Lukander

Corporate Governance Osakassopimukset Sukupolvenvaihdokset Company Law Company reorganisations
Assistant: Sirkku Hakoila
Harri Lukander


Harri Lukander is a specialist in questions related to limited liability companies, especially in matters concerning the operation of organs in limited liability companies, their decision-making structure and exercise of power, and in possible interpretations of these matters.

Harri is also experienced in planning and implementing mergers and acquisitions, as well as changes of generation, including drafting corresponding contracts.

Job description
  • Edelle Attorneys at Law, partner, 1983–



  • Finnish
  • English
  • Swedish
  • German
Professional trusteeships
  • Memberships and Positions of Trust
  • Board Partners in Turku (Hallituspartnerit Turku ry), vice-chairman
  • The Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Parishes in Turku and Kaarina, chairman of the Church Council, 2015–


Here are some of the services I offer.


Family wealth and transfer of assets to next generation

Reliable management of family wealth Our family office service is meant to be a long-term help in managing a variety of corporate and family wealth.

Company Law

Expertise in company law for the different stages of your business Company law contains many formal requirements. We can help you find a smooth route through the hoops of formal requirements.