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Jussi Kataja

Technology Law Family and Inheritance Law Data Protection
Jussi Kataja


Jussi Kataja mainly assists our clients in various IT and technology law matters, whether the assignment requires contract law or knowledge of the regulatory framework. Jussi can also be contacted for more general corporate and contract law matters, as well as family and inheritance law.

In the area of IT and technology law, Jussi’s work focuses in particular on data protection and data management issues, cybersecurity, technology-related contracts and health technology regulation – in relation to patient data, medical devices and drug development. In his work, Jussi is also able to combine elements of his leisure passion for emerging technologies, in particular artificial intelligence, blockchain and Web3, of which he has not only legal knowledge but also technical understanding.

Job description
  • Edelle Attorneys at Law, Associate 2023 –
  • Asianajotoimisto Teräskulma Oy, Legal Trainee and Lawyer 2020 – 2023



  • Finnish
  • English
  • Swedish
  • German


Here are some of the services I offer.


Technology and Data

Your partner in the path of technological growth Digital business, data management and technological development create a platform for growth for many companies, but managing such practices as well as technology-related special regulation in a rapidly developing legislative environment requires

Wealth and Inheritance Planning

Family and inheritance matters and wealth management Toimimme luotettavana kumppanina perhe- ja yritysvarallisuuden hallinnoinnissa sekä perintöoikeuteen liittyvien toimenpiteiden toteuttamisessa.  Asiantuntijamme auttavat perheoikeudellisten asiakirjojen laatimisessa ja niihin liittyvissä toimenpiteissä.