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Larissa Salo

Family and Inheritance Law Riitojen ratkaisu
Assistant: Senja Jokela
Larissa Salo


Larissa Salo specialises primarily in matters related to family and inheritance law. She assists both private and corporate clients in drafting documents as well as in dispute resolution.

Job description
  • Edelle Attorneys at Law Ltd, associate, 2019-




  • Finnish
  • English
Professional trusteeships
  • Member of the Association of Finnish Lawyers


Here are some of the services I offer.


Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Find an amicable solution to disputes and succeed in even the most demanding court cases.

Wealth and Inheritance Planning

Family and inheritance matters and wealth management Toimimme luotettavana kumppanina perhe- ja yritysvarallisuuden hallinnoinnissa sekä perintöoikeuteen liittyvien toimenpiteiden toteuttamisessa.  Asiantuntijamme auttavat perheoikeudellisten asiakirjojen laatimisessa ja niihin liittyvissä toimenpiteissä.

Services to Private Persons

We have extensive knowledge of private wealth and inheritance planning, legal protection and trading. We plan transfer of assets to next generation and formulate your personal contracts as part of your company's overall agreement or as a private transaction.