Competition Law
Competition Law
Identify competition law related risks in advance and find solutions to EU and competition law issues.
Contact usCompetition law related risks shall be prevented in advance
Competition law relates to the day-to-day business of all companies. We offer expert advice on all aspects of EU and competition law, based on our long experience.
We help our clients to identify competition law risks at an early stage and solve competition law problems that have already arisen.
Be certain with competition law issues
Competition law is an integral part of the day-to day business of companies. It is important to assess the rules in advance to avoid business disruptions. The agreements, strategies and business relations can be at great risk, in case the company has violated competition law rules. M&A transactions and joint ventures must also be assessed carefully under merger control rules to facilitate a successful execution.
We offer deep expertise based on longtime experience in all aspects of EU and competition law both in Finland and on the EU level. Questions that mostly arise relate to, for example, distribution and other important agreements, structural arrangements and cooperation in joint ventures, information exchange between companies in different situations as well as carrying out M&A transactions in light of merger control procedures. Competition law risks can be detected and decreased with an effective compliance program and internal investigations. We have much experience from inspections and investigations by competition authorities concerning , for example, suspected cartels as well as determination of dominance and conduct connected thereto. We often assist in competition law related processes in various courts.
Who to contact
Krista Siro
010 320 8421
Kimmo Tenhovirta
010 320 8453
Our services
Our services are aimed for any businesses that value certainty and clarity. We help you to grow and internationalize and provide stability for action, security for change, and certainty for growth.