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Services to Private Persons

Your personal legal counsel provides assistance for various situations, either as a private service or as part of your company's contract package.

Contact us
Our lawyers in a meeting

Personal attorney at your service

We have extensive knowledge of private wealth and inheritance planning, legal protection and trading. We plan transfer of assets to next generation and formulate your personal contracts as part of your company’s overall agreement or as a private transaction.

With us you will always have your own personal lawyer who knows you and your situation and is reachable. If necessary, we will defend your interests in the event of a dispute.

Providing piece of mind

All our attorneys and lawyers are at your disposal in a variety of legal issues.

Our lawyers in a meeting

Family and Inheritance Law

Our lawyers draft wills and testaments and prenuptial agreements. We also make estate inventories and assist with distribution of matrimonial assets and distribution of inheritance. With the help of well-drafted family and inheritance related legal documents, it is possible to prepare for future situations and even prevent possible disputes. With a prenuptial agreement, you can safeguard your own property in the event of a divorce. A will, on the other hand, is a good way to safeguard the economic security of your children and, if necessary, your spouse as well. With the help of well-planned gifts, it is possible to transfer property to heirs already during a person’s lifetime. Furthermore, executing an enduring power of attorney allows you to prepare for the situation where you are no longer capable of making decisions yourself and therefore authorize a close and trustworthy person to make such decisions for you.

However, if disputes arise, our lawyers have extensive experience in disputed distribution of matrimonial assets or distribution of inheritance. Our law firm can assist you in such cases, and we also take tasks from the court to act as an administrator or executor of an estate.

Inheritance Disputes

Our attorneys have extensive experience in contentious divisions and inheritance distributions. In these situations, our lawyers can act as your assistant and our lawyers are also available for the duties of estate administrator or executor of an estate.

Read more about family and inheritance law matters at Family wealth and transfer of assets to next generation.

Contract Drafting

It is often wise to let a lawyer draft a contract and thereby prepare in advance for the possible risks that various changes in circumstances may pose later.

Real Estate and Housing Companies

Our attorneys have considerable experience in dealing with problems related to real estate and housing companies as well as in resolving legal questions connected to construction and land use planning, both before and during possible legal proceedings.

Claims for Damages

Our lawyers are also at your disposal if you need to, for example, claim damages, which often requires legal expertise.

Labour Law

In employment related matters, we provide services either to the employer or to the employee, whether in terms of drafting an employment contract, terminating an employment relationship or dealing with accidents at work. Assistance in matters related to safety at work is also part of our area of expertise.

Criminal Law

We are prepared to assist you in specific criminal cases as well. Our lawyers have extensive experience, for example, in cases concerning white-collar crimes and assist both the defendant and the injured party.

Who to contact

Veera Kaunisvaara

Senior Associate
010 320 8455

Larissa Salo

010 320 8451

Juha Auvinen

Senior Associate
010 320 8445

Our services

Our services are aimed for any businesses that value certainty and clarity. We help you to grow and internationalize and provide stability for action, security for change, and certainty for growth.

Brändipotretti Jarkko Ruohola.

Mergers and Acquisitions

A successful business transaction with our help Successful mergers and acquisitions need to take into account the specificities of different industries. We are a reliable and knowledgeable partner throughout the entire acquisition cycle.
Brändipotretti Henrietta Sandvik.


Agreements for long-asting partnerships Contracts are key legal documents in business, laying the foundations for binding and clear working relationships. We tailor contracts to your specific needs and objectives.
Brändipotretti Milla Forsman.

Labour Law

In-depth expertise in labour law Growing a business requires the courage to recruit and retain staff. On the other hand, the pursuit of growth may also require changes and adjustments in the workforce.
Brändipotretti Matti Huttunen.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Find an amicable solution to disputes and succeed in even the most demanding court cases.

Capital Markets

Going public can be a good alternative to a takeover and a path to strengthening your company’s growth. The thought of going public is, however, often met with hesitation due to a lack of knowledge about the process.


Solutions to housing-related issues Owning and trading housing often comes with considerable financial risks. We help draft contracts relating to housing and property transactions and assist in situations where there are disputes between the parties.

Family wealth and transfer of assets to next generation

Reliable management of family wealth Our family office service is meant to be a long-term help in managing a variety of corporate and family wealth.

Intellectual Property Rights

IPRs create continuity and give a competitive edge to a company’s business. Securing and utilising these rights is an essential part of a company’s IPR strategy. We will help you design and implement this strategy.

Public Procurement

Public procurement under control Our experts offer a wide range of expertise and advice on public procurement to both contracting authorities and tenderers.

Real Estate Transactions and Construction

Your partner specialising in real estate projects Real estate development and construction projects are often about reconciling different interests in an effective way.

Competition Law

Competition law related risks shall be prevented in advance Competition law relates to the day-to-day business of all companies. We offer expert advice on all aspects of EU and competition law, based on our long experience.

Bankruptcy and Restructuring

Managing bankruptcies and restructurings Our firm has long and varied experience in a wide range of insolvency proceedings. We advise both debtor companies and creditors on bankruptcy and restructuring issues.

Capital Investment and Financing

Financing arrangements to support your business Financing is a key factor in the operation of businesses, and financial solutions are a key issue especially for early-stage and growth companies.

Technology and Data

Your partner in the path of technological growth Digital business, data management and technological development create a platform for growth for many companies, but managing such practices as well as technology-related special regulation in a rapidly developing legislative environment requires

Wealth and Inheritance Planning

Family and inheritance matters and wealth management Toimimme luotettavana kumppanina perhe- ja yritysvarallisuuden hallinnoinnissa sekä perintöoikeuteen liittyvien toimenpiteiden toteuttamisessa.  Asiantuntijamme auttavat perheoikeudellisten asiakirjojen laatimisessa ja niihin liittyvissä toimenpiteissä.


Tax law services locally and globally Taxation affects many of the decisions that businesses and entrepreneurs make and it is good to take tax impacts into account when planning measures.

Company Law

Expertise in company law for the different stages of your business Company law contains many formal requirements. We can help you find a smooth route through the hoops of formal requirements.


Comprehensive knowledge of environmental law We have long-standing and diverse expertise in environmental law. We assist and advise both private and public actors in different sectors and on different projects, ensuring that environmental law issues are properly addressed.
Portrait of Larissa Salo

Services to Private Persons

We have extensive knowledge of private wealth and inheritance planning, legal protection and trading. We plan transfer of assets to next generation and formulate your personal contracts as part of your company’s overall agreement or as a private transaction.
Portrait of Krista Siro.

Global Reach

MSI Global Alliance is an international association with over 250 independent member firms, employing over 10,000 attorneys in more than 100 countries throughout the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa regions.